Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Oh Christmas

Well Christmas is here. Marty is working and I have time to reflect, and time to talk to one of my sister's on the phone.Plenty of time to play on my new mini netbook....what fun...what a really neat little tool. Learned a lesson in setting up a wireless router. Once I grasped the concept of completing a circuit, it went really fast. Once you learn.

I went to candlelight service at church last night. The talk  was on the gifts the Magi gave the baby Jesus. Gold fit for a King, Frankincense and Myrrh fit for a Priest.Afterward I thought why God had those men from the Orient bless Christ with those gifts. Joseph and Mary were poor, dirt poor. When the Angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream, told him to arise and take his family....flee into Eygpt to escape from Herod's blood lust for our King.....they needed money to live. What wonderful gifts for the King of Kings. Items that were priceless; and that afforded them to live in a far off country until Herod died.

The Lord has been so good to me. Kept me safe in his healing hands, protected me, illuminated me, blessed me, shown me my worth, and revealed my gifts to me. I continue in prayer for the salvation of family and friends whose eyes are still covered by the scales of sin. He will answer in the manner he designs...I am only the vehicle for the prayer.

I turned 54 the Fifth...ahhhhh....not a bad thing at all.

Cardinal Male From a grey Christmas Eve
(C) Jenny Lee Dobbins 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Bestfriend Gave Me Some Great Birthday Presents

(C) JDobbins 2010

Laddie, Waylon, Parsnip
(C) JDobbins 2010

Tweetles Lashes
(C) JDobbins 2010

 DVM Sherri Valerio and her Tweetles
(c) Jdobbins 2010
I got to spend the day with my favorite horses and my was a good day, to shoot photographs, and spend time with my old friend.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NJ Bear Hunt Nearing

It's been a trying 2 and half months. I've been really sick and not coping very well. My Pekingese Akira as been ill again as well. We are quite the pair.

I've encountered allot of cruel mouthed Bear hunters lately...ones who call me names and talk as if it is their right to kill whatever animal they want. They say the Lord gave us dominion over all creatures....yes he did, but rest assured brother and sisters, we will answer for how we treated those animals. The Passover Lamb was taken into the home, cared for and attended, by loving hands. By the time it was sacrificed, it was done with great care and heartache. We do not live in the 17-1800's, we have grocery stores and programs to assist those in need for food. I know of NO food program, that offers bear to those in need of food. So that argument flies right out the window!!

All I know is, I turn 54 on Sunday, and on Monday morning 6 days of bear baiting and killing begin. I will never be able to change a hunters mind, or stop my neighbors from putting out their garbage days before pickup. Sometimes it's all too much to bear.

NJ Black Bear in my Peony Garden Aug 2009
(C) J Dobbins

Be protected my gentle little male
(C) J Dobbins 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sharing Autumns Finery

Sussex County October 2010
(C) J Dobbins

 Shadowed Young Linden Tree
October 2010
(C) J Dobbins

Moonflower at night
October 2010
(c) J Dobbins

A View I Wake Up To
October 2010
(c) J Dobbins

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

Had a blast at my Guild's Fibre Retreat. I met great artists and teachers. I completed  3 great projects. It was great. I couldn't sleep in the cabin very well on the first night . But pretty well on the second. I chalk it up to excitement. 

Everyone one oo's and awed at the NJ Black Bear we saw drinking at the lake. I was proud. I see the  magnificent Black Bear here at Kemah allot. I truly am blessed.

I completed my fish and baskets, then arriving home late Sunday, I unmolded my soap. I have made life long friends and happy that I have taken the path I am on.....

The wet felted 3-D Fish I completed- YAY
(c) J Dobbins 2010

I chose a goat embellishment for my spinning wheel basket.
(c) J Dobbins 2010

My wonderful Market Basket
I loved the process
(c) J Dobbins 2010

My new organic Tomato Basil Kitchen Soap
just out of the mold Sunday night!
(c) J Dobbins

Friday, September 17, 2010

The day is nearing

Well...hummm.... this weekend is Wilbur's Country Fair...big time shopping going to go on there. Friday the 24th, I'll be leaving in the late afternoon for my Guild's Fiber Retreat Weekend. I have everything almost ready to go.

 September and October always go by in a flash for me. Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool is the 16th and 17th of October. I have everything planned and ready.

We started September with the better half on a nine day vacation. We headed to Sandy Hook, it was overcast and cool, but we didn't care. We had fabulous fried oysters at Bahr's Dockside, it was nice. I didn't get any photos of the Peregrines that were spotted flying low to the beach, but...oh well...another day will come. We went on the 12th to Belvidere NJ's, Victorian Festival.  The entire town is full of painted lady Victorian Homes. While they are gorgeous; I surely didn't have anything in common with that era. I know my sister would.

I still have stray hummingbirds stopping by. My Butterfly Bush is still in full bloom, and they gorge on the nectar. Very few males now, mostly all females. They are a different kinda nasty compared to the feisty males. I have been getting some good photos of young male Cardinal's just out of molt. One captured my heart early this week; on a dreary, rainy, day.

Young male Cardinal
(c) J Dobbins September 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vacation this week...

What a rare happening...Marty has taken off for 9 days so we can tramp around. Going to Sandy Hook for our last swim in the ocean for the season, eat a huge plate of fried oysters, and try to photograph the Peregrines that have been spotted flying low to the beach for the last week. Hopeful for a good photo.

Made a post of abaca and flower paper, took the Sinfully Sherbert soap off the curing rack. Made a new friend of a fellow artist. Saw through a line of crap that was trying to be spoon fed to me... Got a letter from Ledbetter Ky., that only took 3 days to get here. My  close childhood friend is in so much pain over his older brother's loss. All are gone now except him. He has a great wife and daughter that are his forever loves. I'm comforted for that... New photo of Kayla, she's stunning.Counting down the days to Retreat. Endless Mountain Fiber Festival is next love the Autumn months....

Sinfully Sherbert Soap
(c) J Dobbins 2010

Abaca Handcrafted Paper with garden flowers
(c) J Dobbins 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fall is almost here....

Yippee..I feel Fall in my bones! I'm  busy gathering hydrangeas, and lavender for dried bouquets. Mostly though... I've been photographing Hummingbirds.

My Sinfully Sherbert soap is curing well and has scented my  entire workspace with the highly naughty fragrance of orange sherbert. I have almost 8 pounds of special order batches on rack curing.

I have gathered all my papermaking goodies, revving up for some great stationary and bookmarks embedded with dried flowers from last years gardens. Cosmos, ferns, black-eyed susans, woodland lichens, lavender buds. I'm excited. I love the process of making pulp into paper. My cornsilks from all my corn plants, are going to make a beautiful paper this season... Counting down the days to Fibre retreat!

Late Season Ruby-Throat
(c) 2010 J Dobbins

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I really love this time of year!

I was noticing that the mighty oak trees are dropping their acorns allot sooner this year than last. The Chipmunks and squirrels are hoarding sooner also.The Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds that were in Canada,are stopping by in droves to my back yard habitat. Allot sooner as well. I enjoy this time of year, my lavender is in full bloom,I'm making soaps;  old fashioned lavender balls, sinfully sherbert soap. I have really been enjoying photograghing the Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds.

This is a busy time of year for me, I have several Fiber festivals coming up starting with the PA Endless Mountain Fiber Festival on the 11th and 12th of September. As well as the Dutchess County NY Sheep and Wool in October. As well as my own fiber spinning guild: North Country Spinners, hosting our bi-annual Fibre Fallout Retreat.

That is the weekend of the 25th to the 27th of September. I so love the fellowship with other Weavers, Spinners, Knitter's,Felter's, Basketweavers...on and on the creativity goes. I'm gathering all the tools required for the classes I've taken. I am getting bedding ready, as it is a large old campground with cabins....with individual little kitchens and showers I might add. Our Guild committee does a fabulous job of making it a perfect weekend. The camp serves us three fab meals a day, daily devotional prayers. There is a Fashion Show this year of Inge Dam's woven fashions. It will be a great time. I am of course going to miss my sister's presence. But, I will try to be more outgoing than last year  ;>)

Male hummingbird sitting atop my spent Lillies
(c) J Dobbins August 2010

Box of fresh old-fashioned lavender Soap Balls
(c) J Dobbins August 2010

3 Notes Madder Soap
(c) J Dobbins August 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Well I Did It

I have struggled for weeks now over an old school friend emulating my photography.Should I unfriend him, block him from my social networking site. Then I had surgery on Monday morning. Anesthesia makes me irritable. Days before, I had done a study on the Amber-winged Dragonfly. I'm an avid Dragonfly watcher ( who'd a thunk that right ;>) Anyway, I get this  comment of awesome, wow....from said photo stalker. Really, if you can't give a real photo comment other than adjectives...just save it! Anyway, I had long ago hid him from my live feed. So I decided to hop on over to his page see what photo marvels he's shooting lately. Then there it was, and amberwing sitting on a dry piece of flora. Well, you guessed it....over the edge I went. He had to have waited a long time for that shot. Please. God presents me with my photos 99% of the time. I don't want to ever be contrived or un-original. So you know what happens right....I did it...without forethought, or remorse...unfriended and blocked to boot. Good riddance you were a creep to me back in my hometown, you were a plagerist and copier online. So long Buddy! While I was at it, I got rid of his brother, and a woman who out and out lied to me and blew the proverbial smoke up my nether regions... she's finished too, history. I guess that's what it took.... being put under with Versed and Propofol. I have had a bad week. Painful, stomach sick, facial ticks, not being able to eat. So my husband took me to the NJ Balloonfest and we sat in the crew tent and here is just a couple of the balloons I photographed. Someday to soar over the Kittatinny Mountains...awwww... someday.

There... said perfectly to you old school chum
(c) J Dobbins August 2010

NJ Hot Air Balloon Festival 2010
Photo Taken by  J Dobbins
 (c) 8/6/2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I have to be careful of...

99% of the time I can keep tight reign on my thoughts, and what comes outta my mouth. I always try to be me and original. If I waiver in that, I feel like a fraud. I've come to the contusion...( something my sister says ;>) most people are always trying to one up you. At least in my experiences. That just isn't a good thing, and never endears me to you. I like original thought, action, ideas. I feel satisfied and fueled by others who are creative and march to their own beat...not to another's. I want to be a good person and forgive those who have taken from my creative thoughts, and made them their own...I have a hard time doing that. I have it best to just keep your mouth shut and try to find a healthy way to work through the anger of it. OR...let them have it. I so want to go with the latter, but realize that knowing ME, I'd say something I'd always regret. Plus, I don't want to not do has Christ commands, " To love your neighbor as yourself." No where have I read or learned that any of it would be a piece of cake. It is not for sure. As I said in one of my earlier blogs...I have Several things are a given: I love Jesus, my animal companions,my true friends, my families. I love being artistic, I love expressing myself through knitting, working with and spinning fiber, words, thoughts, and photos...most of all... I don't want this to be an " I gotta be me entry" I want it to be I am Jenny, I am an original, I am hurt me when you copy me, you hurt me when you dismiss or talk down to hurt me by trying to over-ride my personality with yours..

 Guess who's yard ?
(c) J Dobbins 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We all have to be saved.

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

Dragonfly I saved from Drowning
(c) J Dobbins 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Standing Strong is all you can do..

My sister's husband is still in critical condition. Two heart attacks and a stroke in less than 2 weeks. He rallies then things go bad again. The Doctor's have tried to stent him with no success. By-pass cannot be performed either at this time. They did do a pericardiocentesis to draw the fluid out of the heart sac. He has some relief now.

I hear a rigidly controlled Nancy when I talk to her, bound and determined to do it all on her asking for sign of weakness. She says she sees no reason for tears, they don't make anything better. Oh...but they do. They cleanse us, produce endorphins, in the end, they do make us feel better. But if control is what she needs to get through...who am I to say anything. I can only be supportive, pray for her and her family. Be there when or if she needs me.

Both my sister's are having mighty trials...but one mightier than them is at the helm.

Dark Phase Swallowtail
(c) J Dobbins 2010 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Life always has sidetracks...

Well, things have been interesting and a little distressing as of late. My youngest sister's husband had a heart attack and is having triple by-pass surgery this coming Monday in N. Augusta, SC. I've heard from her more the last few days than I have in an entire lifetime.

I've been really sick. My Coumadin levels have plummeted again from no apparent reason. I have a surgical procedure I have to start preparing for on the 27th for an actual date of August 2nd. No Coumadin for 5 days.... praying that my heart does not fibrillate and there isn't a thrown clot. Talk about negative thinking, sometimes you just can't help it. I do realize that I'm in the hands of my Lord Savior.

It's been also hard to walk still, the heel spur issue hasn't been resolved yet. I have decided on not having anymore cortisone shots into my heel. It does no good at all, and I develop pain at the injection site. Orthotics should be in soon. What a pain, in more ways than one.

Been having to think through some tough feelings lately. I love being an artist, I like very much working in multi-media. Photography means allot to me. Recently a person I grew up with and haven't seen in years, has shown up on one of the social network sites I frequent. They have been looking at all my photos and followinging links to my photos on other sites. Now they are shooting photos. Do I feel jealousy, or am I just irked? I have an old friend who has always told me, imitation is the highest form of a compliment. I've never really been able to buy that one. Sounds good in the short run, but not in the long. I say, " Hey get your own style and passion, don't mimic mine." As I said, I'm having some issues. One day it'll be alright.

Made almost 60 dollars worth of soap sales at the Fiber Spinning Guild I belong to.That's so much better than only 11 sales on Etsy. That bugs me too. There's probably over a million soapmakers, fiber artists on that site, how do you find your niche...just sayin... Ordered some Coyote Cotton roving from one of my favorite fiber artists. I love spinning cotton. Thinking on a cotton shrug. Who knows.

My sister and bestfriend Patty, is also having medical issues. I pray for a diagnosis soon. She's my hero, can't tell you how much I admire and adore her. She is a Chaplain in Hospice, God does mighty work through Patty.

Purple Coneflower @ Midnight
(C) J Dobbins July 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flooded with ideas...

Well, I'm in the planning stages of my next batch of soap. A true coconut cream soap . I found this really old soap recipe, that used coconut milk instead of water. Sounds pretty good since my goat milk soaps as of late are made with pure goat milk, no water. Why not coconut milk? I've decided to also use finely , and I do mean finely shredded coconut, and scent with coconut fragrance oil.  Decided to super fat with walnut oil instead of castor. ( however that might change) Going to do a 1lb. test batch next week.Gave Marty a bar of the Delightfully Dill, he's my best critic...the jury is in...loves it. He seems to favor all the goat milk, don't know why. Need to send Patty a bar too.

Came face to face with a baby Groundhog yesterday. He's sharing the Chipmunk's residence. It doesn't seem to be scared of me. Not good, especially since one of my neighbors hates Groundhogs. I don't care that its mowed down allot of my Johnson Blue Geraniums. As long as he steers clear of my Calla Lillie's;>) Have lots to do to get ready for the North Country Spinners Guild tomorrow. Been also tweaking my Etsy Shop, and sitting in on some Etsy Virtual Labs. Have learned quite a bit about promoting myself.Will close with this  photo of a little bandit in my carrot garden...

Little Bandit in the carrot garden
(C)J Dobbins 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

On a Really Hot Day..

I have been roasting with temps around 105 on Kemah Lake. But I can lounge if I want in cool ac. I've been spending way too much time outside, nausea ensues. But I digress, I have been keeping birdbaths filled with fresh water every 2 to 3 hours. I see all kinds of birds panting, while this may sound weird me living on a lake, the birds love, love, my birdbaths, and backyard habitat. I've been watching 2 pairs of Eastern Bluebirds, the males are very obliging with letting me get very close. The females are more weary, but just as gorgeous. It's a blessing to live where I live.

Martin is back to work today. I miss him. Now it's back to doing everything myself. He will never know what a complete help he was while home.

Spinning Guild is coming up on Friday. Several have requested that I bring soaps. I will bring a dozen or so. Should be fun. Thought instead of dragging my spinning wheel out, I'd just take one of my drop spindles and some knitting I haven't finished as of yet. We are meeting outside on the veranda so it'll be fun.

  I got a thank-you note from a sweet customer for the Etsy potholders I wove. It was very nice of her. I have to get some work done...haven't made a batch of soap in over two weeks...slightly depressed when I don't make soap. Coconut Cream is on the agenda..... :>)

One of 2 male Eastern Bluebirds (c) JDobbins July 2010

Male Eastern Bluebird (C) J Dobbins July 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A day Spent in Wonder in my own enviroment...

Yellow Swallowtail visiting my Coneflowers
(C) J Dobbins July 2010

Bluet dragonflies
(C) J Dobbins July 2010

Blue Darner On my Dutch Cobblestones
(C) J Dobbins 2010

Two Bluets in my hosta garden
(C) JDobbins 2010

Can it be Bluets in love?
(C) J Dobbins 2010

Sometimes....I don't even want to be around other humans. Marty's home on vacation. I like that. It's freed me up to get out and just love my surroundings. He has taken over all my many duties this week and given me a true "vacation" He's cooked, cleaned, washed laundry, fed our birds, cats, dogs.. I am so happy. I've been trying to recover from bad mojo going on with my left foot...nasty heel spurs.  I always miss my family around the 4th of July. I don't know why...I'm still sad over Gussie's loss. I miss every animal companion I've ever had the delight in sharing my home or life with...still...always... Yesterday was a BAD day...but I got out and took photographs...Tomorrow we will spend the day at Martys' brother Bill's house. He just had triple by-pass surgery...I personally think it's nutty to have family over just days after surgery. May be it brings comfort...we'll see. Happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I am devasted tonight.
I've known you since you were nine weeks old.
You were the bravest dog I have ever known.
I loved whispering all my secrets into your bunny ears.
Till we see you again Gussie,
tell Misty, Grover, Skippy, Katie, Beauregard, all the crew; we miss them and love them too!!

Gustave  in May 2009 (C) J Dobbins 2010
Gussie AKA Bunny Ears (C) J Dobbins 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ramblings Part Two

I've been noticing "things" lately, chipmunks, hawks, baby deer with their mother's and PEOPLE. People who let their dogs out without a leash. Leaving them out for the duration. Is it laziness? Can't be bothered with the responsibity...who knows. I hate it. My dogs that I walk everyday, hate it. A ( cough, cough...) neighbor let her dog out as I passed back through our route. This dog with its hackles up, chases my dogs around my legs for several minutes...Oz scared to death...could this be a repeat of when he was a puppy and got attacked by another neighbor's dog? I screamed at the top of my lungs for the dog to stop and tell the owner I will pepper spray your it off. Oh...she won't hurt them...yeah right lady...that's why the dog is growling and has her hackles up. Lady slams the door shut now every morning when we walk by. So what...your lazy ... at least act like a good dog owner.

Then there's the family of little Chipmunks living under my shed....hope they steer clear of another one of my neighbors, he poisons chippers..... just saying........PEOPLE...

Kemah Lake Chipmunk (C) J Dobbins 6-2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Disconnected Ramblings

Been having crazy dreams for the last few nights. Last night I dreamed I photographed a Peregrine Falcon. A real dream I'd say.
I've developed fasiitis in my left heel....painful. Trying to find non-invasive ways of dealing with it.
 Was up at my old job yesterday.(Mickey's been having trouble with his right ear.) Family Veterinary Services. My bestfriend is a Veterinarian there. We handscaled my cats unbelievable. Most cats would rip you to shreds to even try to handscale their teeth without anesthesia. Mickey is a great Cat. He had a rotten tooth that just fell out onto the  surgery table. We both bugged our eyes at each other. Cleaned his slightly yeast infected ears...then popped him with an antibiotic injection and ear drops, and the big boy is good to go.  It's been almost 7 months since I grabbed him out of the yard after heavily plying him with catnip. I still don't understand how anyone could dump such a beauty. Don't get me wrong, I dearly love Benny, Nefertiti and Serena. But Buca, he's special. While the others love me, I know he adores me. He's my shadow. He appreciates everything I do for him. Even the homegrown catnip. I've never had an cat companion that loves me or catnip as much as Mick.

Mickey a.k.a. Buca (C) J Dobbins 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Family Ties

I was thinking about the estrangement of my youngest sister with my sister Patty and myself.I cannot fathom why a woman would hold a grudge for over 30 years over offences real or imagined.
I have spent several years trying to get her to love us. Asking for forgiveness for whatever I did. Never has she asked forgiveness for being the lousy nasty sister who pushed me down my Grandmother’s hallway; telling me she hated me and I didn’t belong there. Patty gave up years ago on having a relationship with her, and moved on. I didn’t. I always accepted her differences... mine she couldn’t or wouldn’t tolerate.

I cherish and revel in the differences of Patty and myself. She makes up where I lack, I connect where she lacks. She tells me the truth, and I tell her the truth. We love each other and she’s my best-friend, my secret keeper, my own personal comedian. Most importantly...A Prayer Warrior.This will be the first year I’ve gone in a very long time without seeing Patricia Ann. It makes me cry and my heart hurt.

It makes me sad to think my youngest sister has no idea who we are and the women we’ve turned out to be. She remembers two girls that she grew up with and did not like. I don’t know her likes and dislikes... Does she have hobbies, what kinda music does she like? Where’s her favorite place to escape....I know nothing.

I know she always thought I was the “weak one”, man was she ever wrong. It takes weakness to never step out in courage and strength and forgive, let go..become new. It makes me mad that she thinks she has a right to be selfish with sharing who she is, it infuriates me that she thinks nothing of us, it makes me laugh that she only calls when something out of her comfort zone happens and she needs prayer. I love my sister. I pray for her everyday. But I don’t like whoever she is today. Someday I will heal from the hurt....but hurts.

Jenny, Nancy, & Patricia (C) J Dobbins 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010


June 19, 2010 (C) J Dobbins

I took this night before last. It always amazes me the pull that the moon has on the Earth. Birds are fledging, baby animals are leaving their dens, people are feeling feelings they don't normally feel....the pull of the moon on the Earth....
The Father in Heaven....The greatest architect of all.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hey Patty

I can't always be grammatically you :>)
What fun would that be anyhoo?

My Accountability....

I was thinking last night about my accountability to my Lord. He saved me and redeemed me. I am dead to sin by what he did on the cross for me. So I'm responsible for what I am willing to accept into my life. The latest fad TV show that offends my ears with words and scenes I don't want to hear or see. The one everyone else thinks it's so great, including some of my family members. The media that tries to shove their propaganda down my throat daily. The focus on a rich kid that grew up to be a woman killer now in custody. Back when he was originally charged he drew allot of tourist dollars for Aruba.

 Christ died for me without putting up a fight, without slandering, without violence, without defending himself...for me...for you. Why should I then even care about "the things of this world"?  I use to "go along" I don't do that anymore. I use to be afraid to speak-up...not anymore... It's cost me people that I thought were my's labelled me a Radical Christian....Self Righteous...even names I dare not type here. But I don't care...I've been delivered from cigarettes...drugs... not feeling worthy... from countless things ...into the dynamic, artistic, creative woman I am today...I'm not ashamed.... I'm thankful and fully accountable.

Calla Lily, (C) J Dobbins 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Love Organic Cotton

Just finished this sweet sedge stitch washcloth
 for my Etsy Shop. (C) J Dobbins 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shaking the negative thoughts

Granted, I'm usually upbeat and a happy individual, but sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like a birch catkin,encapsulated in water, frozen on a tree's branch....

2009 Winter Birch Kemah Lake (C) J Dobbins 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not such a creative day...

Today taint been such a good day...made a stupid mistake this morning. Instead of taking my AM. meds...I took my PM meds. As my sister would say, " How crazy is that?" Pretty crazy... I had my 2 Pekingese I have to walk everyday...they get unhappy and hard to live with if I don't! I was just praying that I would make it through the walk, and back home before suffering the affects of one of the new that is only meant to be taken at night...hit me. Needless to say after a half mile...I felt way outta sorts. Ozzie my boy Peke..knew instantly something aint right here..If Akira knew...she ignored it... she's just way to happy to be heading to the little beach. Oz was ready to turn back and head home when I tripped over him. Poor boy. I spent the early morning trying to convince my self to stay'll all wear off....WRONG... with my eyes feeling like a truck load of sandpaper had been dumped in them...I managed to smash my right hands middle and ring fingers in the back door...cried for 30 minutes with my hand in an ice pack. I guess I cried myself to sleep. Awoke thinking...ok....finish that ribbon scarf I'm knitting...oops...big mistake...13 rows later....saw major mistakes...frogged the whole thing....back to the start..... It will now be a lovelerly ribbon wrap. Good thing tomorrow is the Cardiologist appointment and not today... life...full of little sidetracks isn't it...

Ozzie in the foreground~ Empress Akira in the back (C) J Dobbins 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Spinning from too many things...

Once again, I have too many irons in the fire...something my Grandmother Mabel use to say. I have 6 fiber projects in the works, one large washcloth order to complete, a soap room that needs to have the humidity issue dealt with asap! House needs a good cleaning...ugh...that never ends does it shouldn't count as an iron...ok forget that one. Still.... Haven't even thought about what's to feed the husband tonight. All I can seem to really think about is the beautiful ribbon scarf I'm knitting. Copper Penny...teal, blues, name it the color just shimmers... and the next batch of soap I want to make.....focus...that's what's called for here......

Copper Penny Colorway (C) J Dobbins 2010

Happy with this soaps outcome

(C) J Dobbins 2010

My Very Vetiver turned out fab! I can smell the cocoa butter and shea. The middle note is the really rich and earthy vetiver, bottom note is local organic honey. I am really looking forward to this ones cure date :>)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Egg Yolk and Calendula Soap

My sister's favorite soap
(C) J Dobbins 2010