Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Oh Christmas

Well Christmas is here. Marty is working and I have time to reflect, and time to talk to one of my sister's on the phone.Plenty of time to play on my new mini netbook....what fun...what a really neat little tool. Learned a lesson in setting up a wireless router. Once I grasped the concept of completing a circuit, it went really fast. Once you learn.

I went to candlelight service at church last night. The talk  was on the gifts the Magi gave the baby Jesus. Gold fit for a King, Frankincense and Myrrh fit for a Priest.Afterward I thought why God had those men from the Orient bless Christ with those gifts. Joseph and Mary were poor, dirt poor. When the Angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream, told him to arise and take his family....flee into Eygpt to escape from Herod's blood lust for our King.....they needed money to live. What wonderful gifts for the King of Kings. Items that were priceless; and that afforded them to live in a far off country until Herod died.

The Lord has been so good to me. Kept me safe in his healing hands, protected me, illuminated me, blessed me, shown me my worth, and revealed my gifts to me. I continue in prayer for the salvation of family and friends whose eyes are still covered by the scales of sin. He will answer in the manner he designs...I am only the vehicle for the prayer.

I turned 54 the Fifth...ahhhhh....not a bad thing at all.

Cardinal Male From a grey Christmas Eve
(C) Jenny Lee Dobbins 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Bestfriend Gave Me Some Great Birthday Presents

(C) JDobbins 2010

Laddie, Waylon, Parsnip
(C) JDobbins 2010

Tweetles Lashes
(C) JDobbins 2010

 DVM Sherri Valerio and her Tweetles
(c) Jdobbins 2010
I got to spend the day with my favorite horses and my was a good day, to shoot photographs, and spend time with my old friend.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NJ Bear Hunt Nearing

It's been a trying 2 and half months. I've been really sick and not coping very well. My Pekingese Akira as been ill again as well. We are quite the pair.

I've encountered allot of cruel mouthed Bear hunters lately...ones who call me names and talk as if it is their right to kill whatever animal they want. They say the Lord gave us dominion over all creatures....yes he did, but rest assured brother and sisters, we will answer for how we treated those animals. The Passover Lamb was taken into the home, cared for and attended, by loving hands. By the time it was sacrificed, it was done with great care and heartache. We do not live in the 17-1800's, we have grocery stores and programs to assist those in need for food. I know of NO food program, that offers bear to those in need of food. So that argument flies right out the window!!

All I know is, I turn 54 on Sunday, and on Monday morning 6 days of bear baiting and killing begin. I will never be able to change a hunters mind, or stop my neighbors from putting out their garbage days before pickup. Sometimes it's all too much to bear.

NJ Black Bear in my Peony Garden Aug 2009
(C) J Dobbins

Be protected my gentle little male
(C) J Dobbins 2010