Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Caught By Surprise

I can't really say it was a surprise. Yes, I knew I had bad heart valves,a-fib..... But what a surprise to find out my kidneys are failing and the left lower part of my heart didn't show up on nuclear stress. Echo revealing valves are much worse than 2 years ago. I await
(scary) procedures on the 8th of April. My sister is flying up and both her and my friend, and husband, will be at my side. No matter what happens.....I'm blessed

My Akira ~" Caught Napping"
(C) 2011 J Dobbins

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sometimes I feel

like a muted swan....

First Full Day Of Spring ~ Muted Swan
(C) Jennifer Dobbins 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can't see the forest for the trees

The Japan catastrophe's have weighed heavy on my heart this week. But what really disturbs me is the the lackadaisical attitude allot of people have....I just don't get the idea that everything is AOK. My nephew plans on moving his family back to Japan..no big deal he tells his Mom. No one that I have talked to personally thinks anything like what happened in Chili, Indonesia, and finally Japan, can happen here. I think differently. I can't have the attitude that if it didn't happen here, who cares. It will happen here...sooner or later.

My nuclear tests are thursday, the heart, carotid, the whole deal. My better half will accompany me. I tire of the quirks in my heart, the irregular beating, the heavy chest feeling. No medicine changes, Philip says I have to stay on the doses prescribed. I was upset, but, I have accepted. It's amazing how things feel more normal when you can take a breath, and be realistic.

Opened my Etsy shop back up. I have lot's of new products, things are going well with that. I have really enjoyed being almost 98% organic. I can tell a huge difference in the end products.

Spring is here...maybe not on the calender, but here on Lake Kemah it sure is. Merganser's, Osprey's, Muted Swans, they are all back...I am comforted.

Beauitful Male American Merganser
(C) 2011 J Dobbins

I love to photograph the Moon
(C) 2011 J Dobbins

Kemah Just before the Thaw
(C) 2011 J Dobbins