Thursday, July 22, 2010

Standing Strong is all you can do..

My sister's husband is still in critical condition. Two heart attacks and a stroke in less than 2 weeks. He rallies then things go bad again. The Doctor's have tried to stent him with no success. By-pass cannot be performed either at this time. They did do a pericardiocentesis to draw the fluid out of the heart sac. He has some relief now.

I hear a rigidly controlled Nancy when I talk to her, bound and determined to do it all on her asking for sign of weakness. She says she sees no reason for tears, they don't make anything better. Oh...but they do. They cleanse us, produce endorphins, in the end, they do make us feel better. But if control is what she needs to get through...who am I to say anything. I can only be supportive, pray for her and her family. Be there when or if she needs me.

Both my sister's are having mighty trials...but one mightier than them is at the helm.

Dark Phase Swallowtail
(c) J Dobbins 2010 

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