I have struggled for weeks now over an old school friend emulating my photography.Should I unfriend him, block him from my social networking site. Then I had surgery on Monday morning. Anesthesia makes me irritable. Days before, I had done a study on the Amber-winged Dragonfly. I'm an avid Dragonfly watcher ( who'd a thunk that right ;>) Anyway, I get this comment of awesome, wow....from said photo stalker. Really, if you can't give a real photo comment other than adjectives...just save it! Anyway, I had long ago hid him from my live feed. So I decided to hop on over to his page see what photo marvels he's shooting lately. Then there it was, and amberwing sitting on a dry piece of flora. Well, you guessed it....over the edge I went. He had to have waited a long time for that shot. Please. God presents me with my photos 99% of the time. I don't want to ever be contrived or un-original. So you know what happens right....I did it...without forethought, or remorse...unfriended and blocked to boot. Good riddance you were a creep to me back in my hometown, you were a plagerist and copier online. So long Buddy! While I was at it, I got rid of his brother, and a woman who out and out lied to me and blew the proverbial smoke up my nether regions... she's finished too, history. I guess that's what it took.... being put under with Versed and Propofol. I have had a bad week. Painful, stomach sick, facial ticks, not being able to eat. So my husband took me to the NJ Balloonfest and we sat in the crew tent and here is just a couple of the balloons I photographed. Someday to soar over the Kittatinny Mountains...awwww... someday.

There... said perfectly to you old school chum
(c) J Dobbins August 2010
NJ Hot Air Balloon Festival 2010
Photo Taken by J Dobbins
(c) 8/6/2010
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