I have been roasting with temps around 105 on Kemah Lake. But I can lounge if I want in cool ac. I've been spending way too much time outside, nausea ensues. But I digress, I have been keeping birdbaths filled with fresh water every 2 to 3 hours. I see all kinds of birds panting, while this may sound weird me living on a lake, the birds love, love, my birdbaths, and backyard habitat. I've been watching 2 pairs of Eastern Bluebirds, the males are very obliging with letting me get very close. The females are more weary, but just as gorgeous. It's a blessing to live where I live.
Martin is back to work today. I miss him. Now it's back to doing everything myself. He will never know what a complete help he was while home.
Spinning Guild is coming up on Friday. Several have requested that I bring soaps. I will bring a dozen or so. Should be fun. Thought instead of dragging my spinning wheel out, I'd just take one of my drop spindles and some knitting I haven't finished as of yet. We are meeting outside on the veranda so it'll be fun.
I got a thank-you note from a sweet customer for the Etsy potholders I wove. It was very nice of her. I have to get some work done...haven't made a batch of soap in over two weeks...slightly depressed when I don't make soap. Coconut Cream is on the agenda..... :>)
One of 2 male Eastern Bluebirds (c) JDobbins July 2010
Male Eastern Bluebird (C) J Dobbins July 2010
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