99% of the time I can keep tight reign on my thoughts, and what comes outta my mouth. I always try to be me and original. If I waiver in that, I feel like a fraud. I've come to the contusion...( something my sister says ;>) most people are always trying to one up you. At least in my experiences. That just isn't a good thing, and never endears me to you. I like original thought, action, ideas. I feel satisfied and fueled by others who are creative and march to their own beat...not to another's. I want to be a good person and forgive those who have taken from my creative thoughts, and made them their own...I have a hard time doing that. I have questions...is it best to just keep your mouth shut and try to find a healthy way to work through the anger of it. OR...let them have it. I so want to go with the latter, but realize that knowing ME, I'd say something I'd always regret. Plus, I don't want to not do has Christ commands, " To love your neighbor as yourself." No where have I read or learned that any of it would be a piece of cake. It is not for sure. As I said in one of my earlier blogs...I have issues....deal...dealing...dealt.... Several things are a given: I love Jesus, my animal companions,my true friends, my families. I love being artistic, I love expressing myself through knitting, working with and spinning fiber, words, thoughts, and photos...most of all... I don't want this to be an " I gotta be me entry" I want it to be I am Jenny, I am an original, I am different...you hurt me when you copy me, you hurt me when you dismiss or talk down to me...you hurt me by trying to over-ride my personality with yours..
Guess who's yard ? (c) J Dobbins 2010 |