Saturday, September 10, 2011

As September 11th Approaches

Everyone remembers what they were doing on that horrible, crisp clear morning in September. Some have loved ones lost, saved, and never the same. I am thankful that my brother-in-law Ali Behrooj, working in Tower 2, made it out alive. It changed our family forever.

The Towers were very special to me. My first date with my husband, was sitting on the pier at Exchange Place gazing at all that was going on around the towers, lower Manhattan and Jersey City. It's where we knew we'd be a couple forever.

After being in the city long enough we moved to the rural mountains of NW NJ. Marty still driving to Hoboken everyday, me working up here. We both had off that day. My regular day off, he took off to be with me and to work on our new laundry room. I was sitting on the couch as usual for a day off, taking in the news. When I saw the 1st plane hit I thought this is no mistake. I called for Marty, he couldn't believe it. When tower 2 was hit I starting praying for my brother-in-law and those that were trapped in that UN-Godly event.

It wasn't till the next day that we found Ali. He's forever changed. He was always proud of being a "good" person from Iran. But after that day, he legally changed his name to Al. Who could ever blame him.

What ever you were doing that day. I hope you can find some peace and are still able to pray for our country. Terrorist never come at you straight's all covertly and with great devastation.